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Our Team, Get to Know Us

We are the Kelly Foundation, a pioneering mental health charity providing dedicated and bespoke services for those suffering mild to serious poor mental health of an enduring nature.

Our team below supports individuals holistically to help them find their best way forward

All our staff and volunteers that interact with our Service Users are rigorously checked by The Kelly Foundation to ensure they have the appropriate certification, qualification or experience for the work they do with us.

Meet the Staff

Emma Rees

Chief Operating Officer /
Service User Support
Emma Rees

Emma Rees played a major part in the formation of The Kelly Foundation which is also known as 4Kelly.

She says "Looking after our mental health is so important and everyone deserves to thrive with good mental health and well being. I've worked in mental health for quite a while now and I feel passionately about championing individuals who need support. There is a real need for free therapy in our community. Not everyone can afford private counselling costs or therapies. This can cause despair, isolation and honestly not knowing which way to turn. I want everyone that reaches out for our help to know that there is someone to listen and help, for them to know they are not alone."

Emma has 10 years experience and qualifications that have allowed her to work in mental health and support vulnerable adults with both mental health issues and learning disabilities. Emma is also qualified to act as a general advocate.


The charity is responsible to a board of experienced Trustees who donate all of their time because they feel passionately about the lack of obvious and available comprehensive support for individuals suffering acute anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses.

John Stooke

John Stooke

"I'm John Stooke and I am honoured to Chair this charity set up in memory of two of my children Corrie and Kelly, who both left our world far too soon as a direct result of poor mental health. When the idea was first floated, it seemed way too ambitiously however obvious urgent the need was (and I speak from personal experience) the need to offer something more than a purely medical solution to people's chronic anxiety and depression. My personal confidence in Emma knows no limits and I'm both excited and optimistic to begin this journey under her stewardship. Although I have more than 40 years of senior business experience, I'm delighted to say I'm learning new things every day."

Claire Bentley

Claire Bentley

"My name is Claire Bentley and I am Kelly's sister. I currently hold the position as IT Director for the UK and APAC region in a large multinational company. I have witnessed at first hand just how poor mental health can destroy people's hopes and dreams. Growing up, Kelly was bright, cheerful and outgoing (if just a little bit annoying) and she showed no sign of what the future might hold. Progressively it became harder and harder for her to put on the kind of face that the world expected. We, in her close family, knew just what challenges she overcame every day, in every month, in every year, for a very long time. To friends and colleagues, she remained a bubbly, bright, outgoing character but inside it became more and more difficult for her. I have joined the Trust because I believe I can offer business skills and importantly I want to try to do something to help the many Kellys that are out there that are feeling despair and in need of support. I have a special interest in addiction and am a strong advocate of holistic health."

Rob Abbott

Rob Abbott

"My name is Rob Abbott. I'm 60 years old and have recently retired from full time employment. In my younger days I spent 5 years in the Royal Air Force before joining a global Relocation company where I gained Business experience in a variety of Senior Leadership roles such as Operations, HR, Training and Business strategy.

I recently joined the Kelly Foundation as one of the Trustees and hopefully can support this great cause with general Business insight as required.

Mental well-being is both underfunded and a critical issue in todays society and I hope the Trust will be able to provide much needed help to those we seek to assist."

Vicky Bellinger

Vicky Bellinger

"My name is Vicky Bellinger and I know first-hand how poor mental health can effect a whole family. Six years ago my brother took his own life and since then I have worked hard to help people not go through everything we have and still are.

I started Walk and Talk Swindon to help people with mental health problems and also YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

I feel proud to be a part of the Kelly Foundation and everything that they do."

Martyn Woerner

Trustee and Finance Manager
Martyn Woerner

"I have been involved with a mental health charity for many years and am excited at the new, hands on approach of The Kelly Foundation to greatly help many people in Swindon that are experiencing or will experience life-destabilising episodes. Anyone can have a life-altering event that throws their mental life into chaos, many others have continuing emotional upsets and I am delighted to be able to help The Kelly Foundation provide practical support and understanding to those with mental anguish."

The 4Kelly Website | The Kelly Foundation